Careers Expo 2025 is between 15 and 18 May 2025. Opening hours are 9:00am to 3:00pm on weekdays, 10:00am to 4:00pm on Saturday and 10:00am to 3:30pm on Sunday. The date sits at an important juncture of the secondary school calendar – early in Term 2. It’s well ahead of when students must select subjects for upper school, register for tertiary education courses and in advance of the university open days.
Careers Expo 2025 will attracts over 12,000 visitors across the four days and the event will attract job seekers, graduates and these looking for personal development, training or or employment opportunities. Schools groups attend on Thursday and Friday and students are often accompanied by parents, return to visit on the weekend.Â
Careers Expo 2025 is held at the Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre (PCEC) situated in the Perth central business district. It’s the premier exhibition facility in WA serviced by a 1,500 bay, 24-hour car park sited beneath the venue. It’s located within walking distance of bus, train and ferry services, and provides access for people with disabilities.
Careers Expo 2025 is the only West Australian-owned careers event. Established in 2001, the event brings together tertiary and vocational education and training institutions, industry associations and employing organisations.
Careers Expo 2025 provides exhibitors an unmissable opportunity to interact with students in Years 9 through 12, together with their teachers, parents or carers as they consider their tertiary or vocational options or select upper-school subjects. For any organisation wanting to access and engage with school leavers or career changers, Careers Expo provides a unique and cost effective medium. Whether the objective is building a candidate database, influencing selections or securing enrolments, we give you the best prospects.
For more information about how to arrange your involvement or managing your participation as an exhibitor, visit the InfoPack page. If you would simply like to determine what’s available, please contact Keen2Connect, the organisers of Careers Expo.
Quick questions answered.
Display stands are available in a range of sizes and configurations – 3x3m, 6x3m and 9x3m. These include carpet, walls, fascia, lights and power outlet. Larger options are available for space only booking, from 54sqm to 108sqm to custom build your own stand and present your unique displays or equipment.
Contact our team if you’d like to become involved, we’ll send you a Quotation and Exhibitor Agreement (“the Agreement”). Once signed and received by us, your stand position will be confirmed.‬‬ An initial deposit of 35% of the booking value is required at the time of signing the Agreement, and the balance of the fee is payable 4 months prior to the event. ‬‬MasterCard and Visa are welcome.‬‬
In most cases yes, however restrictions apply to the distribution (or sampling of food and drink products). See ‘Questions about Food & Beverage’ in the InfoPack.
Careers Expo 2025 is staged in Pavilion 4 & 5 of the Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre.
The best results come from being prepared. Make sure your stand looks good, your staff are on time and ready to do business, but most of all set goals and have processes to follow up leads after the show. See ‘Questions about Stand Fit-out & Electrical Services’ in the InfoPack.
Careers Expo team can help you with the design and production of a high-impact stand. Contact our team via email.
It is highly recommended you pre-book parking, especially for weekdays. Under a special arrangement with the City of Perth, we can help you to purchase all-day, multiple-entry parking passes. See “Questions about Parking’ in the InfoPack. (Closer to the event, we will provide a parking order form.)
Generally, no storage is available at the PCEC, but in some circumstances it may be possible to provide assistance. See ‘Questions about Materials Handling’ in the InfoPack.
It is important you are familiar with the loading bay procedures at the Perth Convention Exhibition Centre. See ‘Questions about Move-in’ in the InfoPack.
No. The way you conduct your stand is completely up to you. However, the best results will be achieved by having someone present at your stand before, during and well after all opening hours. (Often, the best contacts are made at the end of the day.)
A ‘standard shell scheme package’ includes the walls, carpet, power, lights and a fascia with your company name. If a ‘space-only’, ‘back-wall and carpet’ or ‘partial shell scheme package’ is ordered some or all of these elements are excluded.
No, but furniture may be hired from a number of suppliers or contact us for assistance.
Additional costs are only incurred if you require items that are not included in the standard shell scheme. This may include additional electrical services, furniture, AV equipment, catering or public liability insurance (if you do not have your own). See ‘Questions about Insurance, Access & Security’ and ‘Questions about Stand Design & Activities’ and ‘Questions about Support Services” in the InfoPack.
Height restriction may apply but generally you are free to dress your stand as you wish. However, it is important to remain within the boundary of your stand and not spread into the aisles. This includes both your display equipment and the people working at your stand during the expo. See ‘Questions about Stand Fit-out and Electrical Services’ in the InfoPack.
The mutual obligations between you an Exhibitor (‘the Client’) and Keen2Connect as the event organiser are outlined in our Standard Terms & Conditions.