Thursday 15 to Sunday 18 May 2025
Discover Future You
Perth’s largest and longest running careers, education, training and employment expo, welcoming over 12,000 visitors who are in search of their future.
Free Entry
Everything under one HUGE roof
The only careers event in WA that brings together over 100 organisations. It attracts local and national universities, various vocational and professional training providers, industry associations and employers.
This event is for students, graduates and job seekers. It’s perfect for anyone pondering their future, seeking personal development, training or employment opportunities.
Careers Expo 2025 will be hosted at the Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre (PCEC) between Thursday 15 May and Sunday 18 May 2025.
Thursday and Friday: 9:00am to 3:00pm
Saturday 10:00am to 4:00pm
Sunday 10:00am to 3:30pm
See who’s exhibiting in 2025 on the Visitors page.
Spark your “Future You” Careers Expo is the only event that presents enormous variety of possible career options. It’s designed for secondary students, school leavers and professionals seeking to study, upskill or considering a career transition. Talk to industry experts about school leaver pathways, university and training options or job opportunities including any of the Western Australian Government’s 8 priority sectors. Learn more about the jobs of today and tomorrow in Energy, Tourism and Events, International Education, Defence Industries, Mining and METS, Space Industries, Health and Medical Life Sciences, and Primary Industry.
“We are not what we know but what we are willing to learn”
– Mary Catherine Bateson, Cultural Anthropologist
Careers Expo with its integrated VET Expo will help students in Year 9 consider their tertiary or vocational pathway for upper school subjects.
Students in Years 10 – 12 can leverage the opportunity to have one on one chats with experts from education and training institutions. Be informed of the practical steps required and uncover possibilities not previously considered.
This expo helps parents and guardians to play a more informed and supportive role in their child’s career planning process.
If you’re a teacher or careers guidance officer keen to bring a group to the expo and provide students or parents information, visit the Educators page.
Careers Expo can help any professional seek career advancement
It’s a great platform for anyone seeking to discover their next life opportunity. This includes mature age people looking to upskill or close a skills gap. It can help you to recommence an education journey or look for new employment opportunities so you can reach your full career and earning potential.
Careers Expo is the annual, must do event for any organisations who want to grow their audience and promote awareness of their unique offering. Don’t miss the opportunity to personally connect with thousands of highly engaged and motivated visitors.
"Careers Expo is firmly embedded within our marketing calendar and forms an important component of promoting and encouraging engagement with future students" – Amy Rawnsley, Curtin University.
"The department has been involved with Careers Expo for the last 16years and we always look forward to each year's event as an element of our recruitment campaigning" - Yusof Manaf-Hassan. Department of Education WA
If you’re involved in education and training services or looking to recruit new people, you can’t afford to miss Careers Expo. It's a critical part of your annual communications plan. See the Exhibitors page on how you can leverage Careers Expo, 15 - 18 May 2025 to meet your objectives